Privacy: A Top Focus for Digital Marketers in 2020

User privacy is a top focus for digital marketers in 2020. Now that we’re well into this year, it’s time to really evaluate your strategies to ensure you’re providing optimal privacy on your own website, as well as to the users who visit it. How do you achieve this mission? Take a look at this rundown!

Businesses in California

If you’re running a larger business in California, you need to be aware of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The CCPA was passed by California voters in late June 2018 as a result of AB 375. In short, it allows any California consumer to demand to see all of the information a company has about them. It also guarantees that these consumers can see which of their personal data has been shared with third-party companies. In addition, there are regulations, which enable California consumers to sue companies for violation of certain privacy guidelines.

The CCPA is similar to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which was adopted by the European Parliament in April 1996. While the GDPR is more limited in scope than the CCPA, both are similar in that they pose a challenge to businesses who are trying to be compliant with regulations and ensure the security of private data.

The CCPA affect all companies that serve California residents and have at least $25 million in annual revenue. Additionally, companies of any size, which have at least 50,000 people’s personal data on file, or those that collect more than half of their revenue from the sale of personal data, must also comply with the CCPA. It’s important to note that companies don’t have to have a physical presence in California (or even the U.S., for that matter) to be affected by this law; the regulation impacts anyone who falls under the regulatory umbrella who serves California residents.

Complying with CCPA

This user privacy law went into effect on January 1, 2020. In order to be compliant, you need to have your data tracking systems in place in a manner that enables you to give customers the information they request, should that need arise. You’ll have 30 days to comply with the law if you’re notified that you’re in violation. Without resolution to the issue, you could face a fine of up to $7,500.

Businesses Everywhere

For all businesses, not just in California and the EU, you need to be transparent with how you’re storing and sharing information. Give users options and flexibility—give them the control. If you share personal information with other companies, you need to explicitly tell users about this.

Be upfront about forms and make it easy for users to opt out. And, on the other side of the fence, offer opt-in options that are exciting to your audience but also spell out what they’re opting into.

Keeping Transparency in Mind

Best practices indicate you need to be transparent, but what exactly does that mean?

  • Offer visitors clearly designed boxes, which describe what they’re opting into
  • Enable consumers to choose how they receive your information (blogs, newsletters, phone calls, email, text).
  • Explain what people are opting into when they download white papers, infographics, and other one-time offers.
  • Let people know why you’re collecting their data. If you want a phone number, what will you do with it? If you’re collecting emails, let them know who you’ll share that information with. If you don’t share it with anyone, reassure people that you do not share their email address with anyone, ever, for any reason!

The world is changing, and digital marketers are tasked with a big job as they’re trying to keep up with these changes. When you’re in-the-know about user privacy, however, you’re on your way to success today, tomorrow, and every day to come. Subscribe to our blog to get the most up-to-date information you need to know to make your business run successfully!

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