Mobile Accounted for About 1 in Every 6 Retail Dollars Spent Online During Q4 2015

Key Takeaway:

Now that it’s almost 6 months later, you can bet this number has increased even more. What does this mean for you? Well, if your mobile shopping stats are nowhere near this level, it means there are probably a few things you could be doing to improve the mobile shopping experience for your customers. (Stat Source: comScore)

Key Takeaway:

Don’t forget to plan well in advance, even for the “smaller” holidays like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Graduation season. Consumers spend big bucks during these times too. In fact, the NRF survey says the average consumer spent $172 this Mother’s Day, which included a combination of jewelry, dining out, gift cards, and flowers. Get your piece of the pie by making sure all your teams and departments have strategy, budgets and creative planned and approved well ahead of time. (Stat Source: NRF)

Key Takeaway:

This key demographic is essential to understand if you’re in the financial services industry. Millennials have a general distrust for banks and other financial institutions, and are very willing to try smaller or newer financial companies due to their lack of satisfaction with the status quo. (Stat Source: MarketingCharts)

Key Takeaway:

Another factor included on the survey was ‘using the mobile-friendly version of the website’, which came in as the second most important to the mobile shoppers, followed by ‘having the product descriptions’. The factor that shoppers cared least about was ‘availability of an app for that specific retailer’, with just 10% of respondents saying it was important. (Stat Source: Nielsen)

Key Takeaway:

This stat is based on US Market Share of visits, and is only browser-based, meaning it does not include in-app visits. (Stat Source: Hitwise)

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