Advertisers Will Spend 62% Of Holiday Marketing Budgets On Digital Marketing

Key Takeaway:

Facebook and Google are the top channels advertisers will use, which probably comes as no big surprise to most people who work with digital marketing. But 62% on digital should give you a clear idea as to where consumers are spending their time.

Key Takeaway:

This is because search and social marketing are vastly different, and therefore have different costs and performance metrics associated with each. If you’re a new brand and looking to drum up awareness, social and display marketing will likely get you there. Search marketing is best for trying to reach that potential customer who is ready to purchase or convert right now.

Key Takeaway:

In a lot of marketers’ minds, Facebook advertising is similar to what Google Adwords was in its beginning days – an incredible way to target your audience for ridiculously low costs compared to other forms of advertising. We simply wouldn’t be spending the money if the value wasn’t there.

This also means that if you’re not seeing success with Facebook advertising, you’re likely missing something with the way your campaigns are set up. Contact us if this is the case and we can help you figure out how to turn things around.

Key Takeaway:

Google search advertising is highly competitive for most markets, so it’s up to you to figure out how to get the most out of your advertising dollars. Whether that means day-parting your ads, focusing only on mobile, or a combinations of other tactics, depends on the ins-and-outs of your business.

Key Takeaway:

Digital marketing and advertising changes very quickly, practically on a daily basis. If you don’t have the time to keep up with your advertising, it’s best to give it to an agency who will give your campaigns the love they deserve.

All of the stats in this week’s blog post come from the 2016 Holiday Advertising Survey Report from Kenshoo and OrionCKB.

Contact us today if you need help with your digital marketing and we can figure it out together.

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