About 18% of the US Internet Population is Blocking Ads
Key Takeaway:
$21.8 billion in global ad revenues have been blocked/lost so far in 2015. What started out as a slow trend back in 2009 has quickly grown to become a serious issue for companies paying for online advertisements. (Stat Source: Adobe and PageFair)
Key Takeaway:
If you’re planning to increase marketing budgets, make sure you know which avenues you want to increase spending and where you may want to cut back. You’ll need to dig into all your stats to see which channels have proven the most successful over time. (Stat Source: CMO Council / Ebiquity)
Key Takeaway:
Knowing who your audience influencers are can help you understand your audience and craft marketing campaigns suited to their interests and lifestyles. Figuring out who influences your audience is no easy task. Need help figuring out how to get it done? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help. (Stat Source: Hotwire PR)
Key Takeaway:
How do you engage your customers? If you can develop a way to truly engage, you’ll turn average customers into brand ambassadors; people who will want to spread the word about your brand just because they love it! (Stat Source: Brand Keys)
Key Takeaway:
Don’t shy away from using personal information to create better online experiences. (Stat Source: MyBuys)
Curious how these stats relate to your business? Drop us a line today and let’s chat about your online marketing goals.