56% of US Smartphone Owning Adults Have Abandoned a Mobile Transaction

Key Takeaway:

This statistic is down from 66% in 2013, but as you can see, many people are hesitant to purchase on mobile devices. It should be noted, however, that the top reason for abandoning a mobile transaction was purchase uncertainty (45%), meaning those surveyed simply were not sure about the product itself, and did not abandon ship due to security concerns. (Stat Source: Jumio Notes)

Key Takeaway:

At 36%, slow load time was the second-highest ranked reason for abandoning a mobile transaction, after purchase uncertainty. Difficulty with navigation was third, with 31% of people surveyed citing this reason. Finally, security concerns about payment and personal information come in at 27 and 26% respectively. Meaning, the number one thing you can do as a business owner to ensure people purchase products on mobile devices is making sure your site loads as fast as possible. (Stat Source: Jumio Notes)

Key Takeaway:

Over 330,000 households will soon be notified that their tax returns were vulnerable to hacker access. The IRS should have had a crisis plan in place when this security breach occurred. Learn from their mistakes. Create an action plan for your business that details what specific steps your company will take in the event of a major security breach. (Stat Source: CNN Money)

Key Takeaway:

Email marketing is an essential component to digital marketing. At the very least you are probably producing content on a regular basis. It’s easy to send this content directly to readers’ inboxes, and there’s practically no better way to encourage your readers to give you their email address. If you’re not encouraging your readers to share their email address with you, you’re missing out on opportunities. (Stat Source: Quinn Whissen)

Key Takeaway:

You need to make sure you have fully set up all of your details in Google My Business. This includes verifying your physical address, website and listing your business hours. In addition, you need to manage your Google+ Profile and Page, as well as monitor and encourage customer reviews. (Stat Source: Google Think Insights)

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