2015 Holiday Ecommerce Revenue is up 10%
Yes, holiday is here and has been here for weeks so now it’s time to give you some holiday ecommerce stats to help any last minute tweeks. To give you an idea of where customers are and their behaviors we’ve compiled a few of the most relevant stats from Custora‘s Ecommerce Pulse Holidata 2015 Report, which is “based on aggregate, anonymized data from over 500 million shoppers, $100B in e-commerce revenue, and 200+ online retailers.”
Key Takeaway:
More retailers are selling more products online this year than ever before. You may be working in a highly competitive space, fighting to win the attention and loyalty of consumers. If your SEO and paid search strategies are not working as you’d hoped, re-evaluate your strategy by identifying how and what your competitors are showing for to best way to utilize your budget. Not sure what to do to turn things around? Send us a message. We’re happy to help you figure it out.
Key Takeaway:
If your mobile experience isn’t optimized get on it. With SEO, make sure your website shows up with the “mobile-friendly” tag next to it when people search on mobile. Otherwise you’re losing out on potential customers. Also, double-check your paid search campaigns and make sure that you are running mobile-specific ads in all of your active ad groups. In addition, if your customers are placing their orders by phone, consider setting up call-only ads.
Key Takeaway:
22.3% of orders were placed on Android devices. Now you may be thinking that more people own Apple phones in general and that explains the statistic. But no. Stats show that it’s about a 50/50 split between Android and Apple when looking at all US smartphones.
So, there are a few ways to analyze this statistic. It could be that the iOS devices provide a better shopping experience overall compared to Android. It could also be that people who buy Apple phones are more affluent. Or maybe people feel the Apple devices are more secure, or more people have Apple Pay which makes it easier to purchase on these devices.
Key Takeaway:
This is the first year since these reports started coming out that direct traffic has beat organic traffic in driving online sales. This could be that more people truly are just coming directly to their favorite website to shop. However, there could be a multitude of factors at play here. For example, if you have script errors on your site, it can cause your Google Analytics cookies to be reset, resulting in a direct visit. Also, when people use ‘open in Safari’ from iOS devices, when people click links from instant messages and from basic Microsoft Outlook emails, these all can count as direct visits.
Key Takeaway:
This is purely ‘organic’ social we are talking about here. Any advertising campaigns you set up on social channels counts as paid search which is a totally different ballgame.
Need help boosting your ecommerce? Give us a call at (818) 806-3868.