1 in 7 A/B Test Campaigns Produce a Statistically Significant Improvement
Key Takeaway:
The sad truth is that most companies do not perform A/B test campaigns at all. Those that do often randomly choose elements to test and do not spend time coming up with elements to test based on user feedback. The vast majority of marketers simply do not perform enough A/B test campaigns to see significant improvements to their campaigns. You know the sales expression “Always Be Closing”? Well for digital marketers the expression should be “Always Be Testing.” (Stat Source: KISSmetrics)
Key Takeaway:
Marketers know that social media is an essential component to any digital marketing campaign. However, it’s great to have this statistic in mind when you are planning how much of your campaigns are going to be dedicated to social media. Some marketers make the mistake of spending too much time on social, and some spend too little. Also remember this stat is not a one-size fits all metric. It’s all about finding what works for your organization in terms of how much you dedicate to social media marketing. If you’re not sure how to figure out that sweet spot, start with analyzing your social engagement data to see what frequency gets the best response overall. (Stat Source: Globalwebindex)
Key Takeaway:
What are you currently doing to engage your visitors, really? If you’re just putting call to action buttons on your web pages, that’s not enough. You need to think bigger. You need to get creative and design an experience for your visitors that they find truly enjoyable and useful. One way to do this, and improve your bounce rate as a result, is to create interactive content; meaning your content requires participation from your web visitors. Think about things like quizzes, polls, and games. (Stat Source: RocketFuel)
Key Takeaway:
Notice how everyone is asking you for your email address lately? From the cashier at the retail stores where you shop, to the non-profit organizations and other campaigners that set up shop outside of store-fronts. It’s no secret anymore that email is great way drive action from your visitors. Since everyone is in on the secret, the email marketing space is highly competitive now. Also, people are becoming increasingly reluctant to provide their email address to every company that asks. The bottom line here is that in order to create successful email campaigns, you need to determine what your audience values and ask for email address in the right way. You then need to combine your social and content marketing tactics with your email marketing for the best results. (Stat Source: Express Pigeon)
Key Takeaway:
Are you losing sales because you are providing a bad mobile experience? Perhaps. But you will most definitely lose sales in the future if you continue to provide a poor mobile experience. This means advertising, marketing and general website design and functionality all need to work well on mobile. Don’t ignore mobile conversions! Make sure you have mobile PPC ads for all ad groups and that landing pages work flawlessly on mobile devices. (Stat Source: Search Engine Land)
Want to know how these stats relate to your business? Get in touch with us today and let’s chat about your online marketing goals.